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Full-time college students are more likely than out-of-school adults to have never had formal instruction in composition, and they are less likely to have had instruction in the major subfields or skill sets in the major subfield. Lack of formal composition instruction is most likely to be due to the fact that most colleges do not require any composition course for general education.
Course titles vary considerably from school to school.. The course for which you are applying often has a specific name that reflects its focus. For example, some schools call it AP English or English 020. Some schools offer one or more required composition courses, while others have courses in composition that are elective.
While you take the writing components, you may take the reading comprehension or research sections. These sections are designed to test your ability to read (and sometimes analyze) prose, or plan and organize your own research.
Reading Comprehension: The College Composition exam relies more on this section than the other two, because it tests your ability to read late or difficult prose and your understanding of how various components of a composition are connected. d2c66b5586