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If your answer was no, that’s okay. But, I still encourage you to try out that code and fix the various triggers and other issues that you found before. That’s the only way to discover others and learn more. But, you don’t need to track down and fix every single issue yourself. There is a way for you to help us fix as many issues as you can find, and at the same time, perhaps help others to fix their own.
Just as the Python development community did, we use GitHub to track issues. You can find a read-only copy of an automated build of the code as part of the master branch of the autoaudit GitHub repo. That code will show all of the known issues for autoaudit 3.40, along with a description of the issue. Feel free to fork the repo and submit your own fixes.
Once autoaudit detects an issue, it displays a warning message on stdout and sends mail to the autoaudit list. If you see these warning messages, feel free to send a reply or ask questions. It’s very possible that the someone on the list has already fixed the same issue. The usual forum for doing so is #autoaudit on, and, if that doesn’t work for you, many other community venues. For general list coverage, there is a mailing list at .
You just need to download the latest autoaudit binary (either from the Docker image on the Docker Hub, or from the repo on the GitHub page), and start it like any other python process. I recommend starting it with sudo autoaudit. d2c66b5586