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I shall next give the arguments for the community and for the State, as to the advisability of instituting asylums for the treatment of the chronic insane in the community, and then show why the community can not do so. But first, what is community cure?
The community is as insane as the insane, if it does not care for their needs. And, the community is as insane as the insane, if it does not care for its own needs, and so neglects its children, or leaves them to fend for themselves.
Isolated from the sane and free to abuse themselves, the insane in their moments of insanity do not injure others, but become a burden on society in their moments of sanity. In the earlier stages of insanity they become a danger and embarrassment. In the later stages, they are a burden on the insane and on society, and, as their condition becomes chronic, they become dangerous, as they know the more of everything they have the more they will need, including the care and attention of the sane.
The question asked in this paper is how much insanity can be prevented by community cure, and how much is to be prevented by the treatment of the insane in institutions. I shall attempt to answer both questions and incidentally to show why the latter is not a subject for the community to consider.
The community cares for the insane, not as a part of itself, but as a burden to itself, just as parents care for children who are too young to care for themselves. A community is as insane as a child, because it is a microcosm of society, the final product of which is death. This may be illustrated by the fact that the body of the community is full of germs, and that the ultimate form of the community is a corpse.
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