Toca Race Driver 1 Pc Download Torent !!EXCLUSIVE!!
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All in all, if you're looking for a realistic simulation of racing, then this isn't going to be it. But it's an interesting game which certainly does its job well. Rivaling the console and even PC racing games in terms of sheer 'polish', it's the most complete and visually striking racing game for the PC since the Amiga-day days of the original 'Racing Destruction' series, and a welcome return to form for the studio that put the Gran Turismo name on the racing scene.
The Race Driver series is a very different beast to the more arcade-style Dirt World and Horizon games. Instead of trying to cover up the ugly compromises inherent in shooting an invisible car in a confined space, the emphasis of the game is on pleasing the eye. In a rather odd choice, the cars have been designed to look as pretty as they can. There's not much in the way of damage modelling, but you'll get your first inkling of the aesthetic obsession when you see a driver's Pano-screen - the camera controls you'd expect from racing games are absent from this engine, replaced by a stunning array of traditional film-style camera angles. Unfortunately, the tracks are not quite so pretty. The 3D engine does a good job of creating dense, detailed surroundings, but it's not working with the extremes of speed and force which make a truly great racing game. Instead, the racing is an odd mixture of smooth and chunky, often with a very high 'air-time' or very short time-to-hit which means you're slamming in a hard and fast car, but it's not an edge-of-your-seat thrill. When you look at the way the car is built and the way it behaves, you can't help but think that it's too slow, too weak, too heavy or too awkward for the chassis. If you've ever sat on a motorbike on a fast road, you'll know how impossible it is to control, and that's exactly what the Race Driver is like. There's a sort of danger to the game, but it's not quite as exciting as the thrill of creating it.
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