100 Days Of Love Full Movie With English Subtitles Download 134 [REPACK]
100 Days Of Love Full Movie With English Subtitles Download 134 ::: https://urlca.com/2tatXr
100. Love is an unconditional demand for the other to be open to us. The demand is always affirmed, and when it is not, it is not real love. It does not occur to us to ask or demand anything of the one we love. It is enough for us to be open to the other. The person who loves is always ready to receive the other. ‘To receive’, however, is not the same as ‘to feel’. We do not always know what others are thinking or feeling. An open heart does not express itself in a simple desire to be loved: we receive what we do not know. When we love, we are open to the other just as he or she is, without knowing what he or she is thinking or feeling. We receive without trying to force the other into our image of him or her, or into our world. By the same token, we do not try to force the other into the image of our world. We do not refuse to receive the other because we do not know what he or she is thinking or feeling.
95. We call this universal opening to others the ‘heart’, by which we mean an openness to others that is both rational and emotional. This heart is sometimes called ‘the world’, ‘the universe’ or ‘God’. The word ‘heart’ also has a double meaning, referring both to the organ that pumps our blood and to the part of us that engages with other people. That is why we call love ‘the love of the heart’. When the heart is closed, it is as though we have our hands tied behind our back. We cannot open our heart to others because we fear they might hurt us; or because we do not want to open ourselves up to the risk of rejection. We are afraid that if we let others into our heart, others will find it empty. Yet if we are truly loved, it is precisely because we are open to others. Love does not need to be defensive. For love to be truly reciprocal, it must be able to receive. The person who loves is always open to the other person, and he or she is constantly ready to receive the other person.
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